The Way of Living Nâm

Nâm is the affirmative.
It says ‘yes’, and it names.
In peaceful acknowledgement
Nâm affirms ‘what is’ as ‘what is’
While in it and with it, living Nâm aims
At optimally living the human living

Nâm is rooted in the realisation
That you are of an, for you, unknowable whole
About which you can neither say anything
Nor have any idea or thought about
Living Nâm accepts the responsibility
That such living as, and in a whole implies

This responsibility is expressed by carefully selecting
Such Attitudes and Behaviour that correspond
To the interconnectedness that living as whole implies
And that optimally respect and support your contribution to it
Such Attitudes and Behaviour are found by careful observation
Of the holistic regularity of Cause and Consequence
That is wider than the rationally analysable causes and effects

Becoming the optimal Cause for the optimal Consequence
Is invariably reached by the endeavour to reach Harmony
In all aspects of living as the unity of ‘I/World’
From this observation the Ethics of Resonance emerge
With which an entirely subjective state of Well-Being
May be created that is unconditional
And that does not depend on degrees of appreciation
It is a Well-Being for living, for dying and for post-living

In the light of the unique human being that you are
And with the unique qualities and abilities that you have
Living Nâm is the conscious endeavour to shape life optimally
By balancing the witnessing and the involvement of, and in it
And by steering appearances and phenomena always in harmony

Human life is expressing a whole: its nature is transcendental
You are a state of transcendental being expressed in experience
Your experience is reflecting on your transcendental nature
The transcendental nature is the essence of your human living
When this transcendental nature is disrespected and ignored
Human being, as humanity, will disintegrate and will vanish


7 June 2022

by Yoginâm